Thursday, April 28, 2016


The most important thing I learned in this class is how to write a really good paper and how to have in text citations in your paper. Before I got into this class I had no idea what a in text citation was but now I do. I also know to use Google Drive because before I joined this class I had no idea on how to use it. That's all I learned from this class.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Favorite TV Show

My favorite  TV show is Supernatural. The setting for the show is America. The setting is important because they travel the country solving super natural crimes all over. The show would be dull if they were just in one state. It allows them to be all over the place which helps the show be interesting. That is the setting of Supernatural it all over the place.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Why images mean so many things

Images mean so many things because people look at images different. If you get a group of people to all look at the same image and you ask them to tell you the meaning  of the picture most of them are going to tell you something different. In the poem "Loveless" from the Final Fantasy series it says "Even if the morrow is full of promises nothing shall forestall my return" meaning that nothing is going to stop him from returning even if he is love his dream he will return.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Mythological Elements

The mythological elements in the poem "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner to me is a void. It seems like everyone is acting normal when everything is not OK.  In the poem it says " From my mother's sleep I feel into a state" to me he is in a care free state nothing can affect him. He is just a void and takes in everything and does nothing.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Post Classmates favorite Song Theme

I'm going to talk about my classmates theme of their favorite song. Marlon Robinson favorite song is My Daily Conversation by Kevin Gates. It theme he says is working hard and trying to make enough to take care of themselves. Alexis Caul-Leonard favorite  poem theme sums up parts of her life when things got tough, she always remember God is by her side, I feel like the devil is the one who wanted her to be down, but with God on her side, nothing can stop her.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Post: Theme of a Song

I want to talk about the theme of my favorite song. My favorite song is Till I Collapse by Eminem. The theme of the song is to never give up. Put everything you have into something that you want to do and don't give up until its down and you got what you wanted from it. That's the theme of my favorite song Till I Collapse by Eminem.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Post: Favorite Movie Theme

I'm going to talk about "The Godfather Part II" and the theme of the movie. The theme of the movie to me is power. Micheal was trying to be a family man but  he was to focus on getting control of everything. He wanted everything to be in his control and nobody else. He stopped being a family man and went full time mob boss. He couldn't do both like his father.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Symbolizes Post 2

My classmate Jahai Canty wears a money bag from the game of monopoly. Its a moneybag chain that he wear is to symbolizes me grinding everyday to get to the riches. To keep stacking his funds and never folding. The moneybag chain I wear is to symbolize every time he makes an investment with money.

Marlon Robinson wears a batman keychain. His batman keychain is a item that is slightly cherished. He thinks to himself that even someone average with the right skills can achieve remarkable things. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Symbolize Post

I wear one half of a yin and yang necklace. My brother haves the other part of it. I wear the Yin side and he wears the yang side. The symbol its self describes how opposites or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected with each other. To me and my brother we may be different at times but we will always be one.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Post 07

Monicia Andrews wrote her Doc 1 on "A Sorrowful Women" by Gail Godwin. Monicia said "The woman does things like hiring someone to do her work, dressing up in different costumes, and personalities."She is a full writer who has won grants,". Monica said that the author is the complete opposite of the person she is writing about. The persons blog I read was Ashley Davis blog. Ashley wrote her Doc 1 about "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner she said "Faulkner uses what was considered a "Hard Time in America" as a setting in one of the flashbacks he wrote of Emily's life when her father was still alive. He also grew up in the south and that's where Emily is also in "a big squarish frame house that had once been white"." Since he grow up in the south it weighed a lot in his writing.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Post 06

The author of the poem I'm writing about is Robert Frost. His writing has come from his life. In the poem Acquainted with the Night it talks about a man living a lonely life and he walks the streets at night. Robert life was plagued with grief and loss. He lost his father when he was 11 and his mother died of cancer. Then he committed his into a mental hospital and she died there 9 years later. His wife died of heart failure. Out of his six children only two of them outlived him. In his writing you can see that he puts his life events and how he feels in his writing.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Post 05

This post is about my classmates and what they learned from their stories they are writing about. Jay Styles learned that The Story of an Hour is a creepy story because she thinks her husband died in a train wreck but then he comes home and she has a heart attack. Here is the link to it . Trayjon Hatcher said he learned that the person wants to not be lonely  but he is. He's a very lonely man. Here is the link .

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Post 04

I've change what I'm writing about for doc 01. I changed it to a poem called Acquainted with the Night its a poem by Robert Frost. I picked it because I relate to it more than A Sorrowful Women. I've learned that the person he is talking about in the poem is a very lonely man. He doesn't want to be lonely but he is. It showed me that not very one wants to be lonely or the lone wolf.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Post 03

I'm doing my Doc 1 paper about the story A Sorrowful Woman by Gail Godwin. I picked this story because she doesn't want to be a plain old house wife. She doesn't want to be a stereotype of every house she wants to be something different. I see where she is coming from because no one wants to be something plain. I want to go on adventures and people something that no one ever thought that I'll be.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Post 02 My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie is Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith. It was the episode that changed everything in the star wars story and it had the best fight of all the movies in it. It was the first star wars movie that I saw. After that movie I fell in love with the star wars franchise. I started getting all of the action figures of the characters and I started getting the video games so I could start playing with all of my favorite characters that I saw on the big screen. After I saw episode III my dad brought me all of the episode on DVD. I just fell in love with star wars and I still do. I went to go see episode 7 when it came out this pass December and it was amazing. I can't wait for the next episodes to come out because I want to see how this amazing story ends.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Post 01 Hi

Hi my name is Rashaan Hatcher and I'm a freshmen here. I have a twin brother that looks just like me. My plan is to go here for 2 years then transfer to GA tech and get a degree in Aerospace engineering.